
Color conveys meaning and feeling on a powerful and subconscious level. Consistent use of color is an important part of establishing recognition. Our core colors should always be highly visible in anything we produce, but by using a variety of colors we can practice our desire for diversity in expression.

Foundational Colors

Our foundational colors are an important part of how we present ourselves. Every Nation’s blue color represents honosty, loyalty, and truth. These colors should be the visual foundation for everything we do.

Every Nation Blue
Pantone 300
CMYK 99, 50, 0, 0
RGB0, 94, 185
HTML #005EB9

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB 255, 255, 255

Pantone 5455
CMYK 17, 4, 6, 4
RGB 191, 206, 214

Pantone 432
CMYK 65, 43, 26, 78
RGB 51, 63, 72
HTML #333F48

Accent Colors

Color is a great way to express the the diversity of culture and expression that Every Nation deeply values. Building on the foundational colors you are encouraged to add additional palletes to your design to capture the emotions and feelings needed for each communication.  When selecting colors it is important to avoid anything that would clash with Every Nations Blue. Every Nation Blue should remain the primary color in the visual expression

CMYK 86, 90, 0, 0
RGB 117, 59, 189

CMYK100, 95, 2, 10
RGB 0, 24, 113
HTML #001871

CMYK 75, 9, 19, 0
RGB 0, 174, 199

CMYK 56, 0, 58, 0
RGB 38, 208, 124
HTML #26D07C
CMYK 20, 84, 91, 9
RGB 186, 71, 49
HTML #BA4731
CMYK 10, 54, 100, 1
RGB 224, 134, 14
HTML #E0860E
CMYK 0, 25, 64, 0
RGB 252, 196, 114
CMYK 18, 25, 42, 0
RGB 211, 185, 152}
HTML #D3B998


Color gradients are a great way to express change, movement, and growth. Here are some of our regularly used gradients.

